
chaque achat nourrit un chien dans le besoin

Nos chiens sont les plus chanceux. Nous devons veiller à ce que tous les chiens aient la qualité de vie qu'ils méritent.

Chaque achat participe aux dons de nourriture en faveur de Land of the Strays:

un sanctuaire pour chiens dans les montagnes du Costa Rica.

Land of the Strays logo

Land of the Strays

For the past 30 years, Land of Strays has rescued and neutered thousands of strays. Currently, it is the home of more than 1800 dogs searching for a family. Land of Strays helps them get adopted and accepts them into their pack until they find a second chance. No straps, no deaths, just a family of 1800 dogs.

Land of the Strays mountain and dogs

their story

Located in the Costa Rican mountains, in an area of 375 acres surrounded by a beautiful landscape and lush vegetation, is Land of the Strays or "Territorio de Zaguates": a shelter that houses 1800 stray dogs.

It is estimated that in this Central American country there are a million dogs living on the streets. Because of this, Territorio de Zaguates has been working as a non-profit organization to raising awareness among the population about this problem. Likewise, its founders Lya Battle and Álvaro Saumet fight tirelessly to stop the cruelty and abandonment of these animals.

Land of the Strays dogs

Territorio de Zaguates is an organization that believes in life and opportunities, that’s why they don’t consider euthanasia an option to canine overpopulation, and why their efforts are focused on providing the quality of life that every dog deserves, despite their health condition, it’s why they will always accompany any doggy in their fight to get healthy and find hope to keep living.

as seen on

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Land of the Strays
Animal Hope Costa Rica logo

Animal Hope

Animal Hope is a Costa Rican NGO that supports sick, run over or abandoned stray animals. It's goal is to give abused animals a better life. It also works to create awareness about the importance of protecting animals which have been subject of abuse.

Purchases of our Hero Unicorn bandana support Animal Hope